
  • Battlingterminalcancer,awomanwritesaoneofakindnotebookaboutlife,deathandloveforhersontorememberherby.Based…
  • 本片荣获2015坎城影展国际影评人奖,由阿根廷导演桑迪亚哥米崔,以不寻常角度探讨性侵议题。  为实践心中的政治…
  • A virus breaks out and a chilling massacre rages through the streets of Montevideo. The sick become hunter…
  • A virus breaks out and a chilling massacre rages through the streets of Montevideo. The sick become hunter…
  • A virus breaks out and a chilling massacre rages through the streets of Montevideo. The sick become hunter…
  • 一种病毒爆发,一场令人毛骨悚然的大屠杀在蒙得维的亚街头肆虐。 病人变成了猎人,只能通过肆无忌惮地杀死所有尚…